Knee & Other Leg Pain Treatment
The scores of testimonials we've received is proof Dr David Liew's chiropractic treatment is effective.
Chiropractic Health and Wellness Clinic provides knee and leg pain treatment that can help ease problems caused by wear and tear or overuse and damage to bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
Dr David Liew’s been carrying out chiropractic treatments for 20 years. He’s a firm believer in a holistic approach in providing pain relief with natural, non-drug therapy.
I like Dr Liew’s clear explanations.
My knees improved after every treatment by Dr Liew. Although I still experience a bit of pain when I am at work, they are much better as compared to the past.
I will continue to visit Dr Liew for regular treatments.
The bone structure of the leg consists of the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia and fibula of the shin. The kneecap (patella) protects the knee and connects muscles in the front of the thigh to the tibia. The knee joint is stabilised by ligaments and protected from friction by cartilage.
Muscles in the leg attach to bones via tendons, and nerves in the spinal cord transmit information to the legs from the brain. These nerves also return signals to the brain, including sensations of pain.
Disease or injury can affect any of these structures, causing inflammation and discomfort. Also, leg pain can be caused by issues in the spine.
Identifying leg pains
Causes of pain to the knee and other parts of the leg
Problems that can lead to leg pain include:
- Achilles tendonitis – inflammation of the Achilles tendon caused by overuse.
- Baker’s cyst (popliteal cyst) – a build-up of the fluid that lubricates the joint behind the knee.
- Bursitis – inflammation of the small fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate the area between bones and tendons.
- Chondromalacia patellae (runner’s knee) – deterioration of cartilage in the kneecap.
- Gout – arthritis caused by an accumulation of uric acid.
- Herniated disc – when the fibrous outer part of a vertebral disc is torn, causing the tougher inner portion to push through.
- Osteoarthritis – a disease causing the breakdown of knee joints.
- Rheumatoid arthritis – inflammation of knee joints.
- Infection – from insect bites and cuts, for instance.
- Muscle strain – a common injury, when muscle fibres tear with overstretching.
- Sciatica – when pain from the sciatic nerve radiates down the leg.
- Varicose veins – veins that have become twisted and enlarged.
- Poor blood circulation – caused by the narrowing of blood vessels.
Knee pain can also be caused by problems in other areas that directly impact the joint – the low back, hip, ankle, and feet – and overweight people are more at risk.
Are these what you've been experiencing?
Don't endure the pain any longer.
Symptoms of leg problems
Discomfort in the legs can vary from a dull throbbing to a powerful shooting pain. Other symptoms of leg problems include:
- Numbness
- Weakness
- Cramp
- A tingling sensation
Symptoms of chronic knee problems include:
- Constant aching
- A dull or burning sensation
- Swelling
If you ignore leg pain, it could, over time, lead to severe damage to joints and muscles. Further, constant leg pain can impair your day-to-day life through restriction of mobility.
Natural treatments for knee and other leg pains
Non-drug remedies for leg pain include:
- Stretching or other rehabilitation exercises, alternating with rest.
- Ice or heat therapy
- Eating more anti-inflammatory foods.
- Staying hydrated to avoid cramps.
- Biofeedback therapy
- Chiropractic adjustment
Natural, drug-free treatment targeting knee pain includes:
- Taking a bath with anti-inflammatory Epsom salts to ease sore muscles.
- Hot and cold gel packs
- Regular exercise
- Weight loss, if appropriate.
- Collagen supplements to strengthen the joint and connective tissue.
- Calcium and vitamin D supplements
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic treatment
Are you suffering from a pain?
Chiropractic may be just what you need to alleviate it.
Chiropractic treatment for leg and knee pain
Chiropractic provides a particularly effective remedy for leg and knee problems because it’s based on the relationship between the structure of the body – mainly the spine – and the nervous system.
Pain can be perceived in the knee or the leg when the cause is in structures such as the lower back, pelvis, or feet. And if other joints are malfunctioning, stress on the knee joint can increase.
Hence, we’ll not only examine your lower limbs but also assess other areas of your body.
Further, Dr David Liew will go through your medical history with you and carry out a thorough physical evaluation. This will result in a precise diagnosis enabling the most effective treatment, tailored to addressing your specific problems by easing pain, reducing inflammation, and improving mobility.
The chiropractic adjustment techniques that may be used in the treatment of lower limbs include:
Activator adjustment
Subluxations (spinal bone misalignments) can cause pain in the legs by squeezing the spinal nerves.
Chiropractic techniques to fix subluxations include the use of a spring-loaded activator adjustment instrument to apply a controlled thrust to the affected area.
Spinal manipulation
Spinal manipulation for a herniated disc causing leg problems entails adjustment of joints to relieve pressure, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function.
Active release therapy (ART)
Active release therapy is particularly beneficial in cases of Achilles tendonitis and bursitis.
Similar to deep tissue massage, ART manipulates soft tissue to ease stress on joints and nerves. It also breaking up dense scar tissue called adhesions, which impair the range of motion of muscles and joints.
Myofascial release
Myofascial release can be used to treat muscle strains by relaxing contracted muscles and improving blood flow in the myofascial tissues that support muscles. This helps to restore motion and alleviate pain.
Why our patients choose us
Singapore’s Chiropractic Health and Wellness Clinic can provide effective leg pain relief whether the problem is in your spine, the bones and soft tissue of the leg – muscles, ligaments, and tendons, or the knee and knee joint.
Our clinic was founded by pioneering Singaporean chiropractor Dr David Liew in 1998, following the establishment of the profession here in 1978.
Dr David Liew’s able to keep his chiropractic treatments affordable because he’s ensured the practice remains relatively small. This also enables him to provide personal care and customised treatment plans for each of his patients.
We’ll always find the most effective chiropractic methods for leg pain relief and to restore function – and your quality of life.
Dr David Liew’s core values of honesty, patient-focus, and quality treatment have earned Chiropractic Health and Wellness Clinic a strong reputation in the treatment of leg pain and many other conditions.
Let us know how we can be of help
You may either give us a call or send us a filled-in form.
+65 6681 6698
Chiropractic Health and Wellness Clinic Pte Ltd
8 Eu Tong Sen Street
#11-84 The Central
Singapore 059818
Consultation hours
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 8.30 am – 7 pm
(Lunch: 12 nn – 2 pm)
Wed: 8.30 am – 12 nn
Sat: 8.30 am – 1 pm
Sun: 8.30 am – 11.30 am
Closed during public holidays